Growers taking next step in plant protection with The Conscious Farmer
“We make sure you don’t need the chemicals in the first place”
Since 2018 The Conscious Farmer (TCF) consultants are assisting growers worldwide in phasing out the use of synthetic chemicals, going 100% pesticide free, or 100% organic. The Conscious Farmer consultants are now covering several hundreds of hectares of organic or pesticide free greenhouse cultivation of tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant, berries and several flowers. Aldo van Os, one of the partners at TCF, gives an update on how they have been going since the last publication late last year.
Different reasons for switching to pesticide free or organic
“It is clear that regulations are getting tighter on the use of pesticides. But also, and in many cases, our customers working in the greenhouse no longer wish to use chemicals and ask our help to phase it out. And in the America’s retailers and consumers are seeking cleaner products.”
Given the developments you might say that the TCF consultants have the wind in their backs on both sides of the Atlantic. Aldo: “Since we are working with many different growers we can also see that many face the same or similar issues. We are specialized in switching from conventional to organic production. We have written a lot in previous articles of what it requires to go for 100% pesticide free, with the full focus on prevention. With our 30 years’ experience we assist our growers in very practical ways and are coming to feasible solutions for the issues that arise. We even found a method to fully control all species of nematodes for vegetables, fruits and flowers. You don’t make the switch overnight, but with intensive coaching the transition can be relatively quick.”
Aldo van Os on the job
No-risk approach
Aldo likes to stress that it requires a very different mindset from the grower and his team to grow organic. “To put it simply it’s a switch from the common view ‘We always have a chemical on the shelf if things go wrong’ to ‘we focus on 100% prevention’. The habit of reaching for the chemicals is no longer from this time and age, and things can really be done differently. Based on our experience we now tell our growers that you can make the switch to 100% pesticide free using a ‘no-risk’ approach because yes, you can always use a chemical when things go really wrong, but we make sure you don’t need the chemicals in the first place. That approach helps our growers to step in and see where it brings them.”
Working as a partner for the grower
Fundamentally a 100% pesticide free cultivation is doable, according to the TCF consultants. “There are growers, including myself, that have been doing it more than 25 years. We know how it is done. It does require an open mind, support from higher management and the passion of the grower. Then the move is doable and if you have the very fundamentals in place it does the work for you.”
This season Aldo took the next step in this approach with a few clients. “Instead of having an advisory role we have been asked to take a more collaborative role. This helps some of our clients to take the next step in plant protection, seeing and learning from working together. No longer as advisor but more like a partner together with the grower, and responsible for the budget.”
Strategic combination
But what makes TCF unique in the market? “We have more than 25 years’ experience and provide independent advise. In plant protection for instance we come with that experience, our focus on prevention, and a strategic combination of BCA’s and green sprays. Hence, we always bring significant savings on cost. And that’s not all. Our intensive coaching can cover all aspects of modern organic greenhouse production vegetables, fruits and flowers.”
Lees het oorspronkelijke bericht in de Hortidaily:
“We make sure you don’t need the chemicals in the first place”