“We train both organic and conventional growers ‘on the job’: to deepen cultivation and management skills in intensive cooperation. The goal is always to first achieve a healthy soil, then a healthy crop without chemicals and thus a healthy Earth”.
Aldo van Os is a fourth-generation grower and entrepreneur in greenhouse horticulture. For the first ten years of his career he grew crops using the conventional ways, switching to organic practices twenty years ago, constantly deepening and broadening his experience and knowledge of methods that do not rely on synthetic chemicals for either soil conditioning or pest control. Aldo’s sound approach gives his organic business a modern and solid commercial and technical foundation. With over 25 years of experience Aldo is now an international consultant and helps other growers transition from conventional to biological practices or simply improve the current organic growing practice. At this moment he is working on projects in Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, the US and Mexico.
“Our guidance covers all important aspects of a modern organic greenhouse operation, including organic plant protection, climate control and organic fertilization. Technical aspects of cultivation are covered, but also and equally important the organisation, work planning and cost control.”
Mark Velders is an agriculture engineer, international consultant, policy maker and researcher. He studied soil- and nutritional sciences at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands. For more than 25 years he has been advising public and private sector organisations on sustainable agriculture and food. He is currently an advisor to the Government of Qatar, helping to develop and implement the Qatar National Food Security Initiative. He leads the TCF training center in Germany and provides recommendations on soil, water and plant protection to our clients. Mark is known for his thorough approach that is underpinned by independent science and his ability to communicate this in practical recommendations. Together Aldo en Mark form a unique combination of practical and scientific experience in organic greenhouse operations.
“With our intensive support, we help our clients to achieve high productivity and cost savings, as well as reduce stress and overtime and to continue to achieve this on their own without external support.”